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Depression: A Resource Guide

Do you feel lost when it comes to coping with your depression? If the answer is yes, here are some helpful tips you can use in your everyday life. Living with depression isn’t easy. Feelings of hopelessness and emptiness can cloud your thinking, judgment, and worldview. It can even make you feel like you’re working…

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3 Tips to Stop Ruminating

Thinking about the past is natural. But what happens if you just can’t stop? Rumination may be upsetting, but there are ways to stop it. Memories of the past can connect you with parts of yourself that you’ve left behind. But persistently dwelling on your past, or thinking about events that already happened, may cause…

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Exploring Imposter Syndrome

If you constantly feel undeserving of your job, recognition, or promotion, impostor syndrome is a possibility. But it can be managed. Have you ever questioned who you are and whether you’re really worthy of success? Feeling “like a fraud” can be an uncomfortable experience for anyone — especially if you’re good at what you do. Learning why…

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Challenging Negative Self-Talk; Silencing Your Inner Critic

Negative self-talk is part of the human experience. Challenging negative thoughts is a practice of cultivating self-awareness. Most people have an ongoing dialogue with themselves — whether internal or vocalized. While research shows that positive self-talk can improve mood, boost productivity, and increase self-respect, negative self-talk can take a toll on emotional well-being, hinder self-confidence, and lead to…

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