Clinical Supervision, Consultation and Continuing Professional Development
For established mental health practitioners looking for ongoing clinical supervision, as-needed consultations regarding their own clinical work, or looking to further establish their skills through peer-based learningHere at Sanctum we offer a variety of services to fellow mental health professionals ranging from longer term clinical supervision to one-off consultations regarding tricky clinical work. Our aim is to offer a collaborative environment to think critically and effectively about the challenges of working with mental health and problem-solve difficulties that may arise in client work, whilst also fostering an environment that encourages self-care and professional development for our peers and fellow mental health professionals. All supervision and consultation work is cultivated through dialogue and collaboration with the supervisee to ensure it is tailored to best suit both their needs and expectations from supervision within a time schedule and intervals that works for all parties involved. If you are interested in supervision, consultation or any Continued Professional Development opportunities, please get in touch using the contact us button below.
Who do you offer supervision and consultation to and what experience do you have?
We can offer clinical supervision to all collegues who are qualified from psychologically oriented disciplines, including but not limited to; Clinical Psychologists, Psychological Therapists and Counsellors. The psychological aspects of Psychiatric work can also be supported though the use of consultation, though the medical aspects will obviously have to be supervised or consulted by other medically trained professionals.
I have been delivering training and supervision since 2011. I have supervised psychologists both clinically and in research, developed and delivered training to a diverse range of health care professionals working in the NHS. I have also been part of peer supervision arrangements and a member of supervision groups. Since 2018 I have also been offering consultation to fellow psychologists and other mental health professionals.
What can I expect from supervision?
This is best answered in three parts: (A) The supervisory framework (B) My aims in supervision (C) The ethos, or spirit in which supervision is delivered.
I can supervise practitioners working with any theoretical approach, although I supervise using a framework informed by my own therapeutic background which is heavily informed by third-wave cognitive therapies such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Compassion Focused Therapy. As such, you can expect a supervisor that views the supervisory relationship as something to be cultivated collaboratively and formed into a foundation based on mutual trust, unconditional positive regard and a desire to grow and learn from one another. I say “learn from one another”, because I believe that while supervision inherently features a slight power imbalance in that one party is the supervisor and the other is the supervisee, realising that both parties have a wealth of knowledge to contribute offers the most fertile ground for growth, development, focusing on self-care in what can be a very challenging line of work.
My aim in supervision is to focus on your needs and goals as the supervisee and to facilitate your growth both professionally and personally. My focus is on your self-understanding, particularly with respect to values and ethics and why we make the decisions we do in therapy relationships, both with respect to personal values and psychological theory.
My ethos in supervision is that I believe that an authentic supervisory relationship is the key for supervision to be a useful process where you can share experiences without fear of judgment and develop self-understanding through acceptance.
Who do you offer Continued Professional Development (CPD) to?
CPD can be offered to any qualified professional working with mental health.
The CPD provided at Sanctum generally operates as a recurring 1.5 hour slot during which we progress through a workshop focussed on building clinical competence and skills in a particular; (A) therapeutic modality or therapy (e.g. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Compassion Focussed Therapy etc.), (B) psychological presentation (e.g. psychosis, low-self esteem etc.) or (C) clinical skill (e.g. the socratic method, drawing formulations etc.).
The availability of CPD is limited, however we do keep a waiting list and offer available slots on a first come, first served basis.
Please note that the currently available CPD opportunities may vary over time so please contact us using the button below with any queries you may have.