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Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) is a future-focused, goal-directed intervention, which focuses on constructing and identifying solutions rather than focusing solely on one’s difficulties. Whilst SFBT of course acknowledges people’s difficulties and distress, it aims to explore these challenges solely within the context of understanding the situation people would like support with, in order to enact change.

SFBT focuses on identifying and utilising people’s own innate strengths in order to achieve set goals. As SFBT recognises that the individual is the expert in their own life, the therapist works collaboratively with the individual to identify and set realistic goals which feel attainable and meaningful. The process of SFBT involves collaboratively exploring what change may look and/or feel like in order to identify what the person would like to be different in their life. Once these goals are identified, the SFBT therapist supports the individual to formulate, motivate and achieve sustainable behavioural change. While change can feel daunting and unattainable at times, SFBT recognises that change is constant and inevitable, and the therapist’s role is to support the person throughout their journey in order to achieve long-lasting change.

Though SFBT is a short-term therapeutic approach, its principles can be utilised and incorporated into a person’s everyday life long-term. This therapy ultimately focuses on what you can do, rather than what you cannot do. SFBT is an evidence-based psychological approach for difficulties such as anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and relationship problems.

At Sanctum, SFBT can be accessed through one-to-one therapy. Additionally, some of it’s principles and strategies may be employed in conjunction with other therapies. The number of sessions you will undertake will be discussed following your initial assessment and will be reviewed regularly throughout your treatment. We seek to establish successful partnerships between client and therapist in order to achieve authentic therapeutic relationships and effective outcomes.

If you would like to know more about SFBT or other treatments, please contact us to ensure you feel confident in any decisions you make regarding your treatment.